Our book reviewers read and critically review thousands of children’s books and young adult literature annually to help teachers, librarians, parents, and childcare providers make appropriate literary choices for children. Preschool books, chapter books, juvenile nonfiction books, and parent literature are just some examples of the books we review. Our reviewers include book authors, librarians, writers and editors, teachers, children’s literature specialists, and physicians. Reviews cover books for and about children ages birth to 18.
- Fiction, nonfiction, audio/visual materials, activity, and craft trade books
- Professional development resources and parenting materials
- Indie book reviews
- Reviews are aimed at teachers, librarians, parents, and caretakers, helping them make the best selections for their audience
- Over 100,000 reviews, dating back to the 1990s
Companies like CLCD, a subscription database tool used by schools, universities and libraries, ILS vendors, and publishers are some organizations who use our reviews.
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